Video, 1:40 min
Butra (2015). In a one-shot monologue given by one of the refugees in Holot, we receive explanations (in broken Hebrew) for three photographs of trees by Ron Amir, which are included in the show

Video, 6:00 min
Coffee (2015). A long single-shot video captures a man in a make-shift kiosk, laboriously preparing two cups of coffee. Seemingly, the coffee is made for a couple of refugees sitting nearby, yet both of them and the vendor all leave the scene before the coffee is served

Video, 19:08 min
Don’t Move (2015). This piece documents the photographer during his work with the refugees, trying to keep them still for taking long-exposure photograph in his large format camera, while they are using their mobile phones to photograph him. Thus, an interesting dialogue between the history of photography (the “obsolete” large format process versus the contemporary uses of mobile cameras) and the backstage of socially engaged documentation is opened up

Video, 27:17 min
Mollo and Efrem (2015). Two refugees are seen from afar sitting on a low sand ridge, talking. While one video shows their entire time spent on that spot, the adjacent video shows only the last 90 seconds when they decide to leave, after receiving a phone call. The self-absorbed conversation and waiting is suddenly broken by a mundane act of communication with the 'outside' world and leaving the site. This long sequence unsettles viewers' orientation with the linearity of expectation and narrative

Vide, 0:55 min
Idris (2015). A young refugee is seen sitting on a rock outside, waiting, and listening to African music, while nothing happens and there seems to be no reason for his waiting

Video, 1:40 min
Butra (2015). In a one-shot monologue given by one of the refugees in Holot, we receive explanations (in broken Hebrew) for three photographs of trees by Ron Amir, which are included in the show
Video, 6:00 min
Coffee (2015). A long single-shot video captures a man in a make-shift kiosk, laboriously preparing two cups of coffee. Seemingly, the coffee is made for a couple of refugees sitting nearby, yet both of them and the vendor all leave the scene before the coffee is served
Video, 19:08 min
Don’t Move (2015). This piece documents the photographer during his work with the refugees, trying to keep them still for taking long-exposure photograph in his large format camera, while they are using their mobile phones to photograph him. Thus, an interesting dialogue between the history of photography (the “obsolete” large format process versus the contemporary uses of mobile cameras) and the backstage of socially engaged documentation is opened up
Video, 27:17 min
Mollo and Efrem (2015). Two refugees are seen from afar sitting on a low sand ridge, talking. While one video shows their entire time spent on that spot, the adjacent video shows only the last 90 seconds when they decide to leave, after receiving a phone call. The self-absorbed conversation and waiting is suddenly broken by a mundane act of communication with the 'outside' world and leaving the site. This long sequence unsettles viewers' orientation with the linearity of expectation and narrative
Vide, 0:55 min
Idris (2015). A young refugee is seen sitting on a rock outside, waiting, and listening to African music, while nothing happens and there seems to be no reason for his waiting